• Anarchy BBS

    From Havok@VERT/ANARCHY to SBL on Thu Feb 1 01:13:58 2024
    Name: Anarchy BBS
    Birth: 02/15/23
    Software: Synchronet
    Sysop: Havok
    e-mail: Havok@anarchybbs.com
    Web-site: anarchybbs.com
    Location: The Villages,FL
    Telnet: anarchybbs.com
    Network: DOVE-Net
    Address: ANARCHY
    Terminal: TTY
    Terminal: ANSI
    Nodes: 8
    Megs: 466944
    Msgs: 78804
    Files: 4557
    Users: 95
    Subs: 375
    Dirs: 61
    Xtrns: 237
    Desc: Anarchy BBS is a bulletin board for people
    Desc: to enjoy some time alone or share time with
    Desc: friends or family, Someone most times is
    Desc: always around reading messages or playing
    Desc: a door game. You should come here also.

    "name": "Anarchy BBS",
    "sysop": [
    "name": "Havok",
    "email": "Havok@anarchybbs.com"
    "service": [
    "protocol": "telnet",
    "address": "anarchybbs.com",
    "port": 23
    "terminal": {
    "nodes": 8,
    "types": [
    "network": [
    "name": "DOVE-Net",
    "address": "ANARCHY"
    "description": [
    "Anarchy BBS is a bulletin board for people",
    "to enjoy some time alone or share time with",
    "friends or family, Someone most times is",
    "always around reading messages or playing",
    "a door game. You should come here also."
    "total": {
    "users": 95,
    "subs": 375,
    "dirs": 61,
    "doors": 237,
    "storage": 489626271744,
    "msgs": 78804,
    "files": 4557
    "software": "Synchronet",
    "location": "The Villages,FL",
    "web_site": "anarchybbs.com",
    "first_online": "2023-02-15T23:07:35.314Z"
    --- sbbslist.js 1.68
    þ Synchronet þ Anarchy BBS - The Villages,FL