Does icy term run on Linux? I'd like to try it. Does anyone have it f dow nload
It's not only running on Linux it's developed there :). I even recommend using linux for that.
I'm willing to help test on any platform.
Heres my newest 'issue' list, but I'm gonna widdle it down before I post to github. :P
** - denotes already reported to icy_term github
**Some TOPAZ characters aren't displaying... [take a screenshot WITH the chars,
icy_term\ doesnt\ show\ some\ AMIGA\ chars\ \(should\ be\ bargraph\ there\).png icy_term\ AMIGA\ TOPAZ\ chars\ in\ syncterm.png
**When shift is held, backspace doesn't work - or, can't get input from two buttons at once.
**Import syncterm.lst or netrunner.phn? [MagiTerm, Muffinterm... supply example phonebook files.]
**Downloads don't start automagically; have to click the icon.
** - Just downloaded pico-8 and it acted perfectly...
**Uploads/Downloads don't end correctly for me; connection hangs and keyboard presses display weird ANSi like characters... both on SSH & TELNET. Have to disconnect to 'fix' - transfers are br0ken.
icy_term\ after\ UL⁄DL\ dont\ get\ back\ to\ bbs...\ bad\ chars\ on\
**After the above 'issue', reconnects dont work either - still in that 'mode' or
- characters dont display/type correctly... still connected in the BG??? or...
**No scrollback buffer???
**4:3 mode? The aspect ratio seems stuck to 16:9 or similar - I'd prefer true CRT/4:3 screen size. [Can't change by dragging; but I'd PREFER a menu options - 16:9 (or whatever it currently is) or 4:3...]
SSH intermittent connect UPDATE; SSH is connecting, but not auto-detecting ANSI so it just sits there. [Video provided]
icy_term\ SSH\ connect\ issue.webm
Hangs intermittently; this is what I thought was happening after downloads -
or on SSH connect, but this just happened at a random spot; keyboard input shows weird ANSi characters.
icy_term when it hangs - all the time not just downloads or... happens intermitt
- I think I see whats going on - or, testing anyway. If I go to other
workspaces and come back to icy_term I can't always just click in its window
and go. Right now its 'hung' - but not locked up... the bbs screen saver
(cmatrix) is displaying, but icy_term isn't catching my mouse click or
key presses.... i cant get back into the window! more; even if i click on
hangup, or try to reconnect/dial - it wont let me in! [More testing]
This doesn't happen often - but it did, twice. Most of the time I'm NOT seeing this issue... [Continue to record IF you see it, tho - document m0re of the WHY/
- when in this 'mode', even HANGUP doesnt work - its like i'm 'locked' out of i
nothing gets me back in - have to kill the application.
icy_term\ locked\ after\ visiting\ other\ workspaces.webm
No icon is shown in the panel/menu bar - shows a generic > prompt icon...
Last few downloads worked perfect, w/o any issues... [More testing]
- also, after download theres that HANG intermitently like described above! Grr
This is present in my paru/yay Arch-AUR-helper:
warning: icy-draw: unknown key 'Sixel support - just paste an image - Shares the
engine with IcyTerm and IcyView so it's 100% compatible supported) - Complex an
imation engine (export to ansimation or animated gif) other client with a proper
t DCS macro implementation) - LUA based plugins - Many display options, guides,
grids, line numbers - Full SAUCE support including 9px & aspect ratio display -
3d accelerated output & output filters # Get binaries ## Requires IcyDraw needs
a graphics card that can can do opengl 3.3+. (It's the 2010 version but some peo
ple have problems starting) If it doesn't run check if graphics card drivers are
up to date. Opengl32.dll And VCRUNTIME140.dll is required. Usually these two ar
e installed and it should run out of the box. If you can run any game with 3D gr
aphics it should just work. ## File structure IcyDraw stores data only in one di
rectory (~/.config/icy_draw on linux) - it doesn't scatter data around. | path |
Description | data/fonts/ | Stores bit fonts | data/tdf/ | Stores tdf fonts | d
ata/palettes/ |' in local database
warning: icy-term: unknown key 's are welcome. But also testing & bug reporting
or feature requests. If you can't/want to contriubte code you can donate via pay
pal to # Screenshots ![DOS](assets/dos_bbs.png?raw=true "CP43
7 DOS") ![Petscii](assets/c64_bbs.png?raw=true "Petscii") ![Petscii](assets/atas
cii_bbs.png?raw=true "Atascii") ![Viewdata](assets/viewdata_bbs.png?raw=true "Vi
ewdata") ![Viewdata](assets/ripscrip_bbs.png?raw=true "RIPscrip") # History I ha
d an own BBS back in the 90'. When I started rust I searched a project and some
days earlier I spoke with my wife about the good old days, PCBoard and then I go
t the idea to improve the PPL decompiler we used these days. That was my first p
roject and it was successful Around that time I learned that there are still BBS
es in the internet and I started to update my old ansi drawing tool (MysticDraw)
however I lost a bit track because of the gtk4 bindings. It's very difficult to
write even a mid sized UI application with these. First I tried to ressurect my
old ansi drawi' in local database
icy_term TELNET connections lose carrier if left for hours
No mouse support? Some users like to use scroll wheel to advance messages their reading down/up lines. SyncTERM also has click support - character you click on is fed to the terminal... maybe just scrollwheel support for messages?
W0W; but at least I'm using icy_term, amiright?
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
* Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbs>>> (21:2/150)