From Dumas Walker@21:1/175 to All on Wed May 15 09:04:00 2024
    ACUS01 KWNS 150600
    SPC AC 150559

    Day 1 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    1259 AM CDT Wed May 15 2024

    Valid 151200Z - 161200Z



    Several severe thunderstorms should move across the southern Plains
    this afternoon and evening, accompanied by severe gusts (some
    possibly exceeding 75 mph), large hail, and perhaps a couple of
    tornadoes. Scattered severe thunderstorms are also possible this
    morning into the afternoon over parts of the northern and central
    Florida Peninsula, as well as the Carolinas.

    A mid-level trough will progress across the Southeast as a second
    mid-level trough impinges on the southern Plains today. Along the
    East Coast, a weak surface low will impinge on the Atlantic
    Coastline as a surface baroclinic boundary drapes across the central
    FL Peninsula. Moisture advection ahead of the surface low over the
    Carolinas, and south of the baroclinic boundary over the central FL
    Peninsula, will encourage strong to potentially severe thunderstorm
    development given the presence of adequate vertical wind shear.
    Meanwhile, strong moisture advection ahead of a rapidly developing
    surface cyclone over the southern High Plains will promote the
    development of several severe thunderstorms by afternoon peak
    heating over the southern Plains.

    ...Central FL Peninsula...
    Thunderstorms should be initiating and strengthening along a
    baroclinic boundary across northern into central portions of the FL
    Peninsula by the start of the period (12Z) today. During the
    morning, a 50+ kt westerly 500 mb jet streak will overspread the
    baroclinic boundary, where 30+ kts of southwesterly 850 mb flow will
    also be in place, contributing to curved, elongated hodographs.
    30-40 kts of effective bulk shear, combined with 2000-3500 J/kg
    SBCAPE (driven by 7+ C/km mid-level lapse rates overspreading mid
    70s F dewpoints) could result in semi-discrete supercell structures.
    However, a predominantly linear convective mode could be favored, as
    the mean wind field will largely parallel the surface baroclinic
    boundary. Severe wind and hail should be the main threats, though a
    couple of tornadoes could also occur, especially if any supercell
    structures can maintain themselves ahead of the convective line.

    Ahead of the weak surface low, adequate boundary layer heating and
    moistening should occur beneath 6.5-7 C/km low and mid-level lapse
    rates, supporting a marginally unstable but uncapped airmass by
    afternoon. The combination of surface heating and some dynamic
    lifting induced by the approaching mid-level trough, will support
    late morning/early afternoon thunderstorm initiation. Stronger
    westerly flow aloft from the mid-level trough will overspread the
    warm sector, contributing to 30-40 kts of effective bulk shear.
    Also, with the onset of diurnal heating, surface temperatures
    warming into the low 80s F amid mid 60s F dewpoints will boost
    SBCAPE to at least 1500 J/kg. Given relatively elongated, straight
    hodographs, splitting supercells and merging multicells should occur
    through the afternoon, accompanied by a severe wind and hail risk.

    ...Southern Plains...
    Surface lee troughing along the southern High Plains should become
    generally more pronounced with increasing deep-layer ascent, driven
    by an approaching mid-level trough. Through the afternoon, strong
    diurnal heating will contribute to the development of a deep,
    well-mixed, uncapped boundary layer. 8-9 C/km lapse rates will
    reside in the boundary layer and into the mid-levels, resulting in
    inverted-V profiles across the TX panhandle with 1500-3000 J/kg of
    tall, thin CAPE. Initial storms should be high-based, with
    supercells and multicells possible given modestly curved, elongated
    hodographs. Large hail and severe gusts will be the initial
    concerns. However, ample evaporative cooling within the deep,
    well-mixed boundary layer will encourage the development of deep,
    strong cold pools with a tendency to merge. Severe-wind-producing
    clusters are expected to rapidly propagate from the TX/OK Panhandles
    into northwestern OK and eventually southern KS by late
    afternoon/early evening, preceded by richer low-level moisture and a strengthening low-level jet. These conditions may augment severe
    wind production (including the potential for 65+ kt gusts) with the
    stronger storm clusters. Supercell structures may also initiate in
    the warm-air advection regime along the KS/OK border during the
    evening, with all severe hazards possible, before storms are
    overtaken by merging cold pools from the west. Storms should
    gradually weaken overnight as they either become undercut by overly
    aggressive cold pools, or they outpace the buoyancy axis by the time
    they reach far eastern KS/northeastern OK.

    More isolated thunderstorms may initiate along a diffuse dryline
    across western TX toward the Rio Grande. Given overall weak forcing,
    confidence in thunderstorm development and sustenance is not overly
    high. Nonetheless, over 1500 J/kg SBCAPE amid elongated hodographs
    suggests that any storm that can form and mature may become
    supercellular, accompanied by severe wind and hail.

    ..Squitieri.. 05/15/2024

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